
Connect to your inner wisdom

in the context and rhythm

of everyday life.

You’ve tried spiritual practices before.

Peace and insight come—so does the unexpected in the everyday.

Suddenly, there’s no time to practice anymore

(and it doesn’t seem to mesh with reality anyway).


I’m like this. How about you?


✔ I long for a consistent, intuitive connection to my heart and the Sacred.

✔ But I never feel disciplined enough to stick with a spiritual practice.

✔ So I start + stop and feel like a failure, but still kind of soul-lonely.

✔ So I begin again (or find an “even better” practice) and vow never to quit—until it seems I must because real life takes over and there’s just no time for (or support from) the practice itself.


What if there was a path you could trust?

What if this path is within you?

And what if the path was made through friendship and listening compassionately to your life?

I believe spirituality is practical. I believe it’s meant to greet us as we are and offer tangible support.




Deepening the connection between your heart and Love

When we open ourselves to soul growth and a spiritual journey, we embark on a friendship with the divine.

Enrolling in a workshop helps you:

Divine Love is in all things and offers itself freely to us everyday.

1. Connect to yourself and Love through your daily life.

The Sacred is within us and speaks through our human experience. Workshops help you grow your spiritual listening + discernment skills more deeply.

Our spiritual journeys are about growth and friendship with the Divine, not ultimatums, performances, and tests.

2. See where you are, where you’re going, and what you need.

Spiritual practices are can be done in many ways. A workshop lets you try these for yourself, noticing what works for you and what doesn’t. This is the difference between being in a relationship and following a program.

The Sacred is ever-present and breathes through all things always and all ways. Our souls are invited into wonder and relationship through this.

3. Connect with me 1:1 while taking a workshop.

I am honored and humbled when people share their spiritual journeys with me. When you take a workshop, we will be able to connect one on one to share reflections, insight, and support.

What People

Are Saying:

“Jen uses an unconventional and modern approach to exploring the philosophical + spiritual discussions of old. There is no watering down the work I did with Jen. Hard is not the question. Does it work? Yes. The fun and engaging materials began to instantiate into my bones and nervous system. The work with Jen is a lived experience creating meaningful change. How do I know? My moments look different. Lighter. More connected. Purposeful. Inspired with spontaneity and laughter.”

— Jennifer Finch, LPC, SEP, CBCT psychotherapist, trauma expert, and Cognitive Based Compassion Training instructor

“I was in need of a refreshing new voice, and Jen’s is perfect. Her process suggestions and reflection prompts are kindly incisive; her characters, Love + Hope, perfectly capture a lovely and loving relationship.”

— Lori K., Michigan

Workshop Offerings

A quick look at the workshops coming soon!

The examen is a daily spiritual practice of rhythm, like a conversation between two beings that intimately know and trust each other: you and the Divine.

Examen 101

We’ll look at the structure of the examen, different ways to practice it, and notice which ones serve us best. We’ll also pay close attention to the concepts of consolation + desolation (where we felt most connected or disconnected to our true selves and Love) and what that might mean for us going forward. Finally, we will grow our ability to discern the difference between Love’s voice in our lives, our own voice, and that of the outside world, building beloved self-trust and trust in the Sacred along the way.

How wonder, delight, and awe root us in our humanity, connect us to Love, and unite us with the world.

Playfulness + Spirituality

We are often conditioned to see playfulness as immature and/or unnecessary and therefore, an affront to serious spirituality. This is not my experience of either playfulness or spirituality. In this workshop, we will explore how we relate to playfulness, wonder, and awe and how all three are part of a healthy spiritual journey. We will discover the unique ways we play and find joy for the sake of it in our lives and consider how this helps us greet uncertainty and the unknown with more trust.

Both workshops are self-guided and will include:

  • Emails several times a week with reflections and lessons.

  • Digital worksheets, illustrations, and tools to support your journey.

  • Videos of guided meditations and lessons

  • BONUS: 30 min 1:1 session with me

  • BONUS: Discount for folks on the waiting list

Have some questions? Reach out to me directly.


Workshops are designed to meet you where you are so that

spiritual practice grows into a friendship with the Sacred.

What People Are Saying


“Jen is a writer, artist, and lover of the examen. Her drawings articulate the deep longing of our souls. She shows us how very beloved we are in our humanness and relationship with the divine. She brings my heart and mind solace while putting a big smile on my face. I have grown in my understanding of the examen and love each story. You will too!”

— Cindy Van Lunen, photographer, artist, and spiritual writer


“What a wonderful session. Thank you Jennifer! I am grateful to have the resources to go through again because there was so much in it. I have so many takeaways, but the two biggies: So much of what I do or don’t do is based on old, conditioned thinking that could do with an overhaul and I want more play, specifically doing things just because rather than for the outcome or purpose.”

— Staci K., Greece

“Jennifer, your talk was so helpful! The framing of playfulness and seriousness as opposites, but not in opposition (rather, complementary to each other) was incredibly helpful to me and my healing, and specifically an invitation to integration. As I entertain playfulness and wonder again, I am reintroduced to the very real and valuable parts of myself that I am hearing do belong after all—along with and right alongside a growing ability to value and tend to serious matters. Thank you.”

— Amy T., Kentucky


“What an absolutely wonderful and enriching hour you led us in, Jennifer! It felt like we discussed playfulness seriously…you have us the actual experience of play and seriousness being complementary twins. So much grace and peace in what you offered. Thank you.

— Sandra L., North Carolina